Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Vigan & Baguio through a fisheye

It's amazing how the fisheye makes you see the world differently...

From Baguio through a fisheye

how the tree hangs on

From Vigan through a Fisheye

how near or far they are

From Vigan through a Fisheye

how wide or narrow the path is

From Vigan through a Fisheye

how crowded the streets are

From Baguio through a fisheye

and how beautiful the sky is


to view more click on the photos below
Vigan through a Fisheye

Baguio through a fisheye

Supersampler - VIGAN edition

Vigan is a truly scenic spot best captured more than once

From Supersampler - VIGAN edition
Tuloy po kayo

*click on the photo above to see the rest of the album*

A belated Mother's Day greet - supersampler style

A belated Happy Mother's Day greet
to all the mothers out there!
(esp to the moms of the 2 kids in the photo with me)

*click on the photo above to see the rest of the album*